
Hello and welcome to Wind Jiujitsu! An official affiliate of Kioto Brazilian Jiujitsu, under the great Grand Master Francisco Mansor.

We are a family owned and operated Mixed Martial Arts School. Our program includes:

Brazilian jiujitsu, Ground fighting, Wrestling, Takedowns, Judo, Striking, Self defense skills and Law Enforcement Tactics.

Wind Jiujitsu NYPD Self Defense Seminar

The NYPD appointed our instructor 3rd Degree Black Belt Lieutenant Kevin Wind to coordinate a self defense seminar. The Wind jiujitsu students and team were invited to China Town to conduct this free seminar to those in the community. This seminar included self defense tactics such as:

Walking with confidence, Proper Striking, Freeing from an offender’s grip, Joint Locks.

Come on down and learn self defense tactics from our experienced team!

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